Showing posts with label minimalis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minimalis. Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2013

My Photo Studio

Hi there ya' guys, I just wanna share my "studio" where I photograph most of my paperon products. It's very high tech and full of gadgets. Ready? here it is..

Halo semua, aku mau kasih lihat studioku nie, yang biasanya ku pakai buat foto produknya Paperon. High tech banget deh studioku dan penuh dengan gadget masa kini.. Penasaran? Lihat yaaa..

My Studio

My Studio

Hehehe did I fool you? basically my studio just a couple of styrofoam board to bounce that natural light from the window, and the window works as a filter. If you have a cloudy weather and dont have a good light, change you white balance setting in your camera to cloudy, it will give a warmer result instead a bluish picture. Add in some props.. In my case is a vintage sewing machine table, and doily, and there you have it! A very high tech photo studio hahaha

Hehehehe studioku cuma pakai dua papan styrofoam buat mantulin cahaya ke produknya plus foto deket jendela biar dapet cahaya natural, jendelanya juga berfungsi sebagai filter biar ga terlalu keras cahaya ke produknya. Kalo lagi mendung dan cahaya yang masuk gak begitu bagus, ganti aturan white balance di kameramu ke cloudy, nanti hasilnya akan bernuansa hangat daripada berwarna kebiruan. Habis itu tinggal tambahin properti aja untuk mendukung produknya.

My Studio

My Studio

Hope you like my idea of a high tech photo studio :D
