Showing posts with label Workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workshop. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Eraser Carving Stamp Workshop

I was having a workshop last couple of weeks, and it's my first time teaching workshop out of town and it's very exciting. The workshop was held on a Handmade Movement event in Jakarta, actually I forgot my carving tools but fortunately I have enough cutters for the students to use, fiuuh. There's bloody scene too because some of my students accidentally cuts them self , (note to my self to bring band aids on workshops).

Paperon workshop Paperon workshop

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Museum Festival Indonesia 2013 Handmade Bazaar

Besok tanggal 8 - 10 September 2013 Paperon bakalan ngelapak di handmade bazaar Festival Museum yang bakal diadain di PKKH (eks Purna Budaya) Universitas Gajahmada. Selain ngelapak disana, aku juga bakal ngisi salah satu workshop pada tanggal 9 & 10 September dari jam 1 - 3 sore. Aku bakal ngajarin caranya bikin stamp dari craft foam, terus cara mencap kain dari stamp buatan kita, teruuus lagi habis itu dbuat coaster deh (penampakan coasternya bisa diliat di gambar dibawah ya)... Tiga kursus dalam satu workshop, asik gak tuh! :D

Jadi kalian yang tinggal di Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya, ato mungkin lagi libur kesini. Jangan lupa mampir ke Fesmus ya, tanggal 8 mulai dari jam 2 siang sampai selesai dan tanggal 9-10 mulai dari jam 8 pagi - 5 sore.

Tomorrow on September 8 - 10th 2013 Paperon will be at the Museum Festival handmade bazaar on Yogyakarta. Besides being a seller, I will be one of the workshop holder there on 9 & 10th start from 1 - 3 pm. I will be teaching how to make handmade stamp from craft foam, and then how to stamp on fabric, and last but not least I will show you how to make fabric coaster with your handmade fabric (see the coaster at the bottom of post) neat right?! three courses on one workshop! 

So if you happen to be here on Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Dont forget to come by at Museum Festival here at PKKH building (ex Purna Budaya) University of Gajahmada on 8 September start from 2 pm and 9-10 September start from 8 am.

Museum Festival Indonesia 2013 paperon product



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Handmade Stamp Workshop #1

Yippie!! My first workshop!! For this first workshop. I teach handmade stamps, some of my students cancelled on the last minute but it's okay. It's still fun.
Paperon Workshop


I have a young student, only 4,5 years old! I didn't give her carving tools, knife and eraser. Instead I gave her styrofoam from take out box and a pencil, so she could still make her own stamp.

[caption id="attachment_727" align="aligncenter" width="690"]20130512_150535-1 testing the participants stamp
PS. that's me behind her, made a head start on lunch hahaha hungry teacher[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]20130512_160041 scribbling the styrofoam[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_724" align="aligncenter" width="488"]2013-05-12 16.48 the print on T-shirt with her scribble stamp[/caption]

20130512_160141 20130512_152635 20130512_144700-1 2013-05-12 17.37.12


2013-05-14 12.17

The place that I held the workshop is a coffee shop, Sellie Coffee located in Prawirotaman II Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Selling range of different coffee from all over Nusantara plus the food is great. And they gave me free snacks and drinks for this workshop, LOVE!


2013-05-12 16.20

Hope this workshop could gathered monthly, if you happens to be around Yogyakarta dont forget to check us out.
