Showing posts with label paperon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paperon. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

PaperOn Design Future

Helloooo! I just want to put my thoughts today on writings on what future that I had in mind for PaperOn Design. So some of my friends and customers have been wondering what happen to PaperOn Design, some of you maybe know that PaperOn is a block printed products, and then suddenly it was gone and I only posted about my surface pattern design work. 

Some may think I was quitting PaperOn handmade products business, or even  my products are not popular enough. It's not entirely false, but it's also not entirely trueWhen I was finishing my bachelor degree, I have a lot of time to think about my business, my business is my passion, at first I was running my business on a wimp, no preparations at all, and that's a mistake, I'm juggling between school, my business, my work as a designer even though it is also my business but I consider it as a career. Even though I had an employee at the time for helping my business, I don't have the satisfaction, I don't have feelings about my business, my passion start to burning out. So I let my employee go, even though I still have a stockist that get quiet a few sales, I just stocked left overs until all my products sell out, and the others I stop restocking. After I had an accident with my left hand, plus a carpal tunnel syndrome that is constant occurring, I don't have the strength anymore to block printing yards of fabric. So even though block printing is my love, I need a break. This is the time.

I think this is a necessity, to stop everything when you don't feeling about it, rather than just go autopilot and end up having bad products. With this break I have time to think a new start for my business, I have plans, I got my rhythm again and I have my passion again. It still block printing-ish, but with a new face and a new flare. I can't wait to relaunch PaperOn, and maybe some of you saw my sneak peek a while back on instagram, that I change my handmade products brand from PaperOn into WEES. PaperOn Design still exist, but I now claim it for my surface pattern design brand.

Labor of love

So wish me good luck, and I hope that you also live your passion. Thanks for all the support, and stay tune for WEES :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Portfolio Up and Running

Hi guys! My work is going to be on display this week, so I printed my portfolio and also got my site up and running. Yay!

I made my portfolio by the help of this tutorial and I did the website too (thank God for google and all of you nice people who posted all of that codes, it sure spare me some headaches)

Now I just need to photograph my work and build up my portfolio.

And I made some note pads to giveaway at the show. Tutorial coming soon

Do you have a portfolio site? or maybe someone else site that you faves? let me know.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Let's talk about tools

Basic tools untuk membuat stempel dari linocut dan block printing.
Sudah beberapa tahun ini saya membuat stempel untuk karya seni dan produk tekstil saya. Pertama kali saya menggunakan penghapus untuk membuat stempel berukuran kecil, saat ini saya menggunakan linocut dan membuat stempel ukuran besar dan kali ini saya ingin mengulas alat-alat yang diperlukan untuk membuat stempel dari linocut.
1. Carving tools
Saya menggunakan alat carving dari speedball (USA), Seed (Jepang), dan alat cukil lokal yang dapat gampang dibeli di banyak toko alat lukis dan bahkan di toko buku. Speedball memiliki banyak pisau yang dapat diganti dan dari berbagai ukuran, saya biasanya menggunakan pisau no.1 atau ukuran terkecil untuk mengukir gambar yang detail. Seed saya dapatkan dari sebuah stamp carving kit  dan pisaunya sangat tajam dan berkualitas tinggi. Alat cukil lokal yang saya gunakan adalah yang berbentuk U, pisaunya tidak terlalu bagus dan gampang tumpul, jadi harus stok banyak apabila hanya menggunakan alat cukil lokal ini.
Bisa dibeli di,,
2. Carving block
Banyak material yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat stempel ukir, dari penghapus, linocut, linoleum block, dan kayu. Untuk saat ini saya menggunakan linocut, linocut adalah versi modern dari linoleum block dan terbuat dari karet, linoleum block terbuat dari serat-serat natural yang dipres. Ada juga material penghapus yang dibuat khusus untuk stempel ukir, beberapanya adalah Speedy carve, Moo carve, dan Seed dan jenis ini sangat mudah diukir,saking mudahnya harus berhati-hati agar tidak mengukir terlalu banyak.
Bisa dibeli di,
3. Bench Hook
Alat ini memudahkan saat sedang mengukir, fungsinya untuk menahan blok agar tidak terpeleset saat diukir, alat ini cocok untuk pemula agar tidak terjadi kecelakaan karena menggunakan alat tajam. Bentuknya bisa dilihat di gambar di bawah, terdapat penahan bawah untuk ditaruh di pinggir meja dan penahan atas untuk menahan blok yang diukir. Ada yang terbuat dari kayu dan lempengan besi. Pada gambar adalah bench hook yang dibuat sendiri oleh suami saya ☺.
Bisa dibeli di
4. Brayer
Alat ini adalah roller untuk mengaplikasikan tinta ke blok, terbuat dari karet dan memiliki beberapa jenis karet dari yang lentur sampai yang keras, dan juga memiliki banyak ukuran.
Bisa dibeli di toko alat lukis.
5. Kertas kalkir/ kertas karbon
Kertas-kertas ini digunakan untuk mentrasfer gambar yang telah kita buat ke blok untuk membuat stempel, banyak teknik transfer yang berbeda karena tidak semua bisa digunakan di material yang sama. teknik transfer akan saya ulas lebih lengkap di posting yang berbeda.
Bisa dibeli di toko alat tulis.
6. Tinta
Tergantung media yang digunakan untuk menstempel, tinta yang digunakan pun berbeda, tinta untuk kertas, untuk kain dan media lainnya. Tinta block print memiliki konsistensi yang lebih pekat dari tinta lainnya agar tinta dapat melekat pada blok dan juga pada material yang digunakan. Tinta untuk kertas dapat menggunakan tinta etching atau tinta offset. Tinta block print untuk kain tidak tersedia di Indonesia, at least yang saya tahu, tapi kita bisa memodifikasi bahkan membuat sendiri tinta block print untuk kain, selengkapnya tentang tinta kain dan apa yang saya gunakan akan saya ulas di post lain.
7. Alat-alat lainnya
Tidak terlihat di gambar adalah:
- Kaca untuk meroll tinta
- Kertas tissue untuk membersihkan, karena kita tidak mau ada tinta yang mengering di alat kita
- Spon ati, biasa digunakan saat mencetak kain sebagai alas.
- Baren, alat untuk menggosok medium saat dicetak, biasa digunakan saat mencetak pada media kertas, bisa juga menggunakan sendok kayu. Atau kamu bisa investasi ke alat press ☺.
Dan itulah alat-alat yang diperlukan untuk membuat stempel ukir dan block printing, semoga tidak ada yang saya lupakan. Semoga membantu dan have fun carving☺.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Seamless Pattern Repeat (Part 2): How To Make a Mock Up

If you starting as a surface pattern designer and you want to sell your design, you should know the importance of a mock up.  Show how your pattern looks in a real product could be more appealing for people to buy your design. 

I really like to see my design appear in a product, even if its not real, I also could see if my designs need any adjustment and if it ready for print.

I made a video tutorial on how to make a mock up for your pattern design, I hope it could be somewhat helpful, before that, here is my pattern designs in mock ups I made using pictures I found on the internet.



And here is the tutorial :)

Monday, July 6, 2015

Printing in The Big Way

As a freelancer and an entrepreneur, I have to promote my self and my work, therefor I need to print out brochure, catalogs, and even portfolio look book of my pattern designs. I just stumble on this printing company tour on youtube, and their plant is huge! Big machines who does different type of things, but with all that machine they still rely on people to do the binding of their books, or catalogs, etc, so a human touch is always a plus. Anyway this company is and they just open their plant in Jakarta, Indonesia (my country). I haven't tried printing with them so if you have any experience with them please share, because I need to start making my look book.

Not just Asia, they also set up their printing company in Europe, as i've seen in this Printing Paris France video, so while you on your business trip, you still have access to a reliable printing company to print all your marketing tools.

Speaking of marketing tools, I want to share my latest name card design, this is the only promotional or marketing tools that I have right now because my website is still on the go, so.. Yeah, I feel like a hobo and lack of self marketing. Let me know your promotional tools and what is working for you, share in the comments or if you feel ambitious link me to your post.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Terrarium Garden

Because i'm a plant killer, I have gave up on having plants in general, I have a crocheted cactus though and it's not kill-able so that counts to having a plant right? right?

Speaking of plants, I just upload my terrarium artwork to my shop, if you are interested for all of you people who love to sew you can find it on my Spoonflower and Woven monkey, for those who not and prefer to just buy stuff like me (wink wink), well hey you can find it on my Society6 and my Redbubble.

If you do buying my artwork via those websites, I just wanna say thank you for supporting me, and I will do my best to constantly create new artwork.

Terrascope mockup on fabric

Terrascope mockup on model

Terrarium garden in watercolor background , Mockup on model image credits to

Thursday, June 25, 2015


I'm expanding my wings, I'm all over the internet :D
I recently join Redbubble, different then the society6 where it contains some of my pattern design, my illustration as well Denis illustration. Redbubble will only contains my pattern designs, there are a couple of designs already. Just click here to get access of my pattern designs.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Seamless Repeat Pattern Tutorial

Finally! my promise to make a detail tutorial on how I turn my watercolor painting into a repeat pattern is finally fulfilled. I made a video tutorial for a much easy instructions.

For those of you who wondering, promise? what promise? Some time ago I posted a series of tutorial on my instagram and promised to make a detail tutorial, alas! here it is.. pheew :D

This is my first time making a video tutorial, so sorry for all the glitches on the video, unclear words and all. Just ask me if there any questions about the tutorial. Share with me your first pattern repeat on my instagram or my other social media. Have fun :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Baby Tee with Styrofoam Print

Made these tees a long time ago, before it's just a styrofoam print and an embroidered bow tie. Recently I add more embroderies to give it a little oomph. These tees are gonna be on sale at Pasar buah Tangan #3, an arts & crafts market here in my city at 16 - 17 May.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pasar Buah Tangan #3

PaperOn will be at Pasar Buah Tangan #3, an arts and crafts market here in Yogyakarta.

More info go here and follow their IG : @pasarbuahtangan

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tropical Flora in Watercolor

I made this pattern for a huge competition some time ago. And in the process of making it I made a quick tutorial that I posted in my instagram @paperondesign promised to make an in depth tutorial on how to make pattern repeats from hand drawings, still haven't had the time for the tutorial, hopefully in the middle of this month.

Anyway, because it didn't make it through the competition, still much to learn about trends and how to incorporate it in my design, the 2015 / 2016 trends are more abstract and playing with colors, monochromatic and bold. I put the pattern up on my spoonflower and woven monkey shop. It's not yet for sale on spoonflower, but if you're interested just convo me there and I'll make it for sale :)

I made this pattern from hand watercolor drawing, and just scan it and then digitally scale and recolored in photoshop. 

I love this duck green background color. because it gave much more depth and texture to the drawings.

Lovin it more on the pillow :)

Monday, April 13, 2015

PaperOn on Woven Monkey

Hi there.. PaperOn is on Woven Monkey now, so maybe you kitty lovers from UK could have a little bit of fun with these patterns. Just click the image below and start a kitty galore on your decor ;)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Free Shipping on Society6

Get free world wide shipping by clicking the link below
Promotion expires April 12, 2015 at Midnight Pacific Time. *Free Shipping offer excludes Framed Art Prints, Stretched Canvases, Wall Clocks and Rugs

Also included a new print that I made from my hand carved stamp.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentine Is Coming

Valentine's coming! This month's considered a festive day, so I gathered up with somethings I made if you already in the search for gifts for love one (wink wink)

This cushion cover is a hit in Society6! Can't get enough flowery cushion to squish right?

I just open up a shop at a local web site, Kado Kadi, a site full of handmade goodies from the locals. In there is my collection of block printed home and kitchen accessories, great for gift warming ;)

And also I open a gift shop together with 8 other creative ladies in our city, Yogyakarta. So if you happen to be here, do come by and say hi :) our shop is Baksya Gallery.

And for your date night, don't worry I got it covered :D, and you could get my block printed bags collection in our shop.

Enjoy this loveable month, and don't stop spreading the love of handmade ;)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

New print on Society 6

Another kitty for the kitties collection. This is my cute cat Juni.

Use this code for free shipping

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Baksya - Indonesian Handmade Gallery

Baksya - Indonesian Handmade Gallery is a shop nestled in the street of Prawirotaman 2, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, a white shop with a red door kindly greet thoughtful shopper who loves beautifully handcrafted limited goods.

Baksya is run by 9 creative women, Damiana Endah, Essy, Dea, Arkky (me), Sarie, Lia, Uci, Mila, and Meldha, women with different backgrounds who loves the same thing, creating something beautiful.

Meet our creation and other artisans online Also, find us : Facebook

left to right: Sarie, Lia, Damiana Endah, Sekar, Uci, Arkky, Dea, Meldha, minus two women, Mila and Essy

Sarie, Lia, Damiana Endah, Uci,Mila, Arkky, Sekar, Dea, Meldha, minus Essy

Thursday, December 4, 2014

PaperOn Catalog

New catalog with new products. Trying new stuff combining natural fabric with synthetic leather. I concentrated more on fashion and home stuff now , paper products are on request only. And sadly I have to raise the price a bit because the materials cost are rising. I haven't update the new products on my website, but still if you want to custom order handmade stamps, kids shirt, personalised totes, personalised notebooks for gift bags just head to

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Portrait Tote Bag

Some while ago my man made me a portrait illustration (love him) and I love it so much I made it into a tote bag and a cushion! Don't get me wrong i am not that in love to my face but the portrait he made me is so artsy fartsy, I have to show it to the world :D

Then I scanned it and printed it to fabric.

Tote bag with my artsy face on it.. oh yeah!

P.S : You can have your face on totes too or give it to a love one as a gift. Just go to my shop here. It's on rupiahs but you can convo me by email to know the price on your currency and make payments via paypal.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Limited offer on Society6

Post new print on society6, it's actually my drawing from a 30 days of drawing spoon challenge on spoonflower. So I put it up on society6 for a good use.

And guess what?! Limited Time Offer:   $10 OFF $75 — $15 OFF $100 — $30 OFF $150. So head on on society6 and grab beautiful wares and art prints for your home.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My First Kitty Series on society6

I plan on having a kitty series on my society6, and this is my first of the series. Meet Bow-Bow :)

And guess what?! Free shipping + 10% off for the new duvet covers using this link :