Showing posts with label yogyakarta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yogyakarta. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pasar Buah Tangan #3

PaperOn will be at Pasar Buah Tangan #3, an arts and crafts market here in Yogyakarta.

More info go here and follow their IG : @pasarbuahtangan

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentine Is Coming

Valentine's coming! This month's considered a festive day, so I gathered up with somethings I made if you already in the search for gifts for love one (wink wink)

This cushion cover is a hit in Society6! Can't get enough flowery cushion to squish right?

I just open up a shop at a local web site, Kado Kadi, a site full of handmade goodies from the locals. In there is my collection of block printed home and kitchen accessories, great for gift warming ;)

And also I open a gift shop together with 8 other creative ladies in our city, Yogyakarta. So if you happen to be here, do come by and say hi :) our shop is Baksya Gallery.

And for your date night, don't worry I got it covered :D, and you could get my block printed bags collection in our shop.

Enjoy this loveable month, and don't stop spreading the love of handmade ;)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Baksya - Indonesian Handmade Gallery

Baksya - Indonesian Handmade Gallery is a shop nestled in the street of Prawirotaman 2, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, a white shop with a red door kindly greet thoughtful shopper who loves beautifully handcrafted limited goods.

Baksya is run by 9 creative women, Damiana Endah, Essy, Dea, Arkky (me), Sarie, Lia, Uci, Mila, and Meldha, women with different backgrounds who loves the same thing, creating something beautiful.

Meet our creation and other artisans online Also, find us : Facebook

left to right: Sarie, Lia, Damiana Endah, Sekar, Uci, Arkky, Dea, Meldha, minus two women, Mila and Essy

Sarie, Lia, Damiana Endah, Uci,Mila, Arkky, Sekar, Dea, Meldha, minus Essy

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Frame Bag

New frame bag with straps, and it's available at Indische Koffie, Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Want To Work With Us?



Hi guys! PaperOn membuka peluang kerja buat kalian yang ingin kerja di bidang kreatif, yuk liat keterangannya..

1. Penjahit

syarat; cewek, smk, maks 24 thn, full time, rajin, teliti.

2. Part time Job

syarat; ce/co, smk/mhs/i diutamakan jur seni, tidak merokok, ingin belajar, semangat.

job desc; mencukil, block printing, asistensi.

Silahkan kirim cv kalian ke

Update! Lowongan sudah terisi. Thankyou



Sunday, December 8, 2013

JAFF 2013

JAFF or Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival was held yesterday . And I am one of the participants in the arts and craft exhibition hosted by Magic Fingers syndicate for JAFF. Here are the pictures of the exhibition, you could probably figured the theme here, it has to be movie related :)



This are made with buttons! The artist name is Bima something, I dont remember his last name.. Sorry



collage lady in theater  from Ache Andini


Monster Wedding by Lois Nur Fathiarini


And guess who made this?! :D Gone with the wind lino print made by me.. yeay!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Craft Carnival #3

Here are some photos from the craft carnival #3 :

[caption id="attachment_948" align="aligncenter" width="560"]CC #3 at Indiecology cafe, Sagan Yogyakarta[/caption]

CC #3CC #3 CC #3CC #3

Don't let the bright sunny ray of sunshine fool you, it rains hard all through the weekend. But the enthusiasm from the visitors brights up the day :)

[caption id="attachment_946" align="aligncenter" width="560"]paper quilling figurines made by Icuk paper quilling figurines made by Icuk[/caption]

CC #3

[caption id="attachment_935" align="aligncenter" width="560"]tatting jewelry by Grace tatting jewelry by Grace[/caption]

CC #3

[caption id="attachment_936" align="aligncenter" width="488"]cute throw pillow by Katuna cute throw pillow by Katuna[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_937" align="aligncenter" width="560"]hand painted scrapbook frame by Mimpi Kecil hand painted scrapbook frame by Mimpi Kecil[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_940" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Brombie Rocking Lab and Ache Bong, new friends from the neighboring town Brombie Rocking Lab and Ache Bong, new friends from the neighboring town[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_939" align="aligncenter" width="488"]Clay necklace by Brombie Rocking Lab Clay necklace by Brombie Rocking Lab[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_938" align="aligncenter" width="488"]collage postcard on BRL and Ache Bongs booth collage postcard on BRL and Ache Bongs booth[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_941" align="aligncenter" width="560"]raid finds on Brombie Rocking Lab and Ache Bongs booth :D raid finds on Brombie Rocking Lab and Ache Bongs booth :D[/caption]

Despite of heavy rains, major leaking and  flooded.. The event is great! I got to meet great other crafters from in and out of town, watch great music performance, make new friends and got some cute stuff.

PS Paperon will be at the Toys and Games Expo, at JEC Yogyakarta from 7 - 8th December on booth 7.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lovely Wednesday on HONFabLab

I have a good time today at HONFablab, a fabrication laboratory here in my city Yogyakarta. Along with some of my fellow crafter at Indonesian crafter Yogya region, we have a tour hosted by Magic Fingers syndicate (MFS). After an introduction by Tommy and Agha we had a demo on how to use that monstrous machine, on Laser cutter machine our mentor is Ahong,  and on Shopbot machine we have Bram as our tutor, they patiently teach us  how to operate the machine. I gave up on the Shop bot hahaha because its more complicated than the laser cutting machine. No more to say cause i'm not good with words (haa), here's a bunch of pictures from our tour.

Seneng banget hari ini, saya dan beberapa teman di Indonesian Crafter tour ke HONFablab, sebuah laboratorium fabrikasi yang ada di kota Yogyakarta. Tur ini diselenggarakan oleh Magic Fingers Syndicate. Pertama tur dimulai, ada perkenalan apa itu HONFablab oleh Mas Tommy dan Mas Agha. Setelah perkenalan baru deh kita liat demo bagaimana car menggunakan mesin-mesin super gede itu. Pertama ada Mas Ahong yang ngajarin cara mengoperasikan mesin Laser Cutting dan kedua ada Mas Bram yang ngajarin cara mengoperasikan mesin Shopbot, serius mesin shopbot itu lebih susah huhuhuhu jadi nyerah deh kalo mau ngoperasiin sendiri. Daripada baca tulisanku yang amburadul, yuk liat foto-fotonya.

[caption id="attachment_924" align="aligncenter" width="560"]IMG_0524 Laser Cutter[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_931" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Cnc Milling Shopbot machine Cnc Milling Shopbot machine[/caption]




[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="560"]IMG_0531 With our mentor Mas Ahong[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_929" align="aligncenter" width="560"]IMG_0540 With our host from Magic Fingers Syndicate Ms Lucia Berta[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_930" align="aligncenter" width="560"]IMG_0542 Gifts from HONFablab[/caption]

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Craft Carnival #3

Yippie! Paperon will be on the Craft Carnival #3. If you happens to be in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, please do come by to Indiecology cafe, Sagan and say hello. There will be lots of crafty goods that you could buy and interesting workshops that you could join.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Museum Festival Indonesia 2013 Handmade Bazaar

Besok tanggal 8 - 10 September 2013 Paperon bakalan ngelapak di handmade bazaar Festival Museum yang bakal diadain di PKKH (eks Purna Budaya) Universitas Gajahmada. Selain ngelapak disana, aku juga bakal ngisi salah satu workshop pada tanggal 9 & 10 September dari jam 1 - 3 sore. Aku bakal ngajarin caranya bikin stamp dari craft foam, terus cara mencap kain dari stamp buatan kita, teruuus lagi habis itu dbuat coaster deh (penampakan coasternya bisa diliat di gambar dibawah ya)... Tiga kursus dalam satu workshop, asik gak tuh! :D

Jadi kalian yang tinggal di Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya, ato mungkin lagi libur kesini. Jangan lupa mampir ke Fesmus ya, tanggal 8 mulai dari jam 2 siang sampai selesai dan tanggal 9-10 mulai dari jam 8 pagi - 5 sore.

Tomorrow on September 8 - 10th 2013 Paperon will be at the Museum Festival handmade bazaar on Yogyakarta. Besides being a seller, I will be one of the workshop holder there on 9 & 10th start from 1 - 3 pm. I will be teaching how to make handmade stamp from craft foam, and then how to stamp on fabric, and last but not least I will show you how to make fabric coaster with your handmade fabric (see the coaster at the bottom of post) neat right?! three courses on one workshop! 

So if you happen to be here on Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Dont forget to come by at Museum Festival here at PKKH building (ex Purna Budaya) University of Gajahmada on 8 September start from 2 pm and 9-10 September start from 8 am.

Museum Festival Indonesia 2013 paperon product



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Handmade Stamp Workshop #1

Yippie!! My first workshop!! For this first workshop. I teach handmade stamps, some of my students cancelled on the last minute but it's okay. It's still fun.
Paperon Workshop


I have a young student, only 4,5 years old! I didn't give her carving tools, knife and eraser. Instead I gave her styrofoam from take out box and a pencil, so she could still make her own stamp.

[caption id="attachment_727" align="aligncenter" width="690"]20130512_150535-1 testing the participants stamp
PS. that's me behind her, made a head start on lunch hahaha hungry teacher[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]20130512_160041 scribbling the styrofoam[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_724" align="aligncenter" width="488"]2013-05-12 16.48 the print on T-shirt with her scribble stamp[/caption]

20130512_160141 20130512_152635 20130512_144700-1 2013-05-12 17.37.12


2013-05-14 12.17

The place that I held the workshop is a coffee shop, Sellie Coffee located in Prawirotaman II Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Selling range of different coffee from all over Nusantara plus the food is great. And they gave me free snacks and drinks for this workshop, LOVE!


2013-05-12 16.20

Hope this workshop could gathered monthly, if you happens to be around Yogyakarta dont forget to check us out.
