Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Frame Bag

New frame bag with straps, and it's available at Indische Koffie, Benteng Vredeburg, Yogyakarta

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Stuff


Printing feathers and skeleton tree and made it into cushions. This is my first large printing, maybe I do textile line someday :)
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And PaperOn will be at crafty days #8 tobucil on Bandung, 8-9 February. Maybe we'll meet you there.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Museum Festival 2013 Update

Hello, brace yourself cause it's gonna be a long post of pictures :D These are pictures from the museum festival that I snapped yesterday, the museum exhibition is still on going till September the 13th.

This is my booth.. teehee..

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Carnaval on the first day of the museum festival

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The other crafters awesome goods that I snapped

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It's an awesome experience, I get to meet with other crafter, great history lesson and the fact there's so much museums that I didn't know were actually exist on my city. Have to visit them when I get the chance. How's your week? tell me your story.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Printed Fabric, New Goods

This past week I did a lot fabric printing and stamps, if you remember my floral design that I printed to a Samson paper (here's the post) then you noticed that I printed my fabric with the same design. (Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures, still can't get a hold a new DSLR)


IMG_0753I'm busy preparing goods for a handmade bazaar at my city, so I made some with my designed fabric.





IMG_20130828_095505If you notice the background fabric, It's my designed fabric too. And I put it on my society6 with a slight difference pattern! So if you need some doilies throw pillows, just head to my society6 shop.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Handmade Stamp Workshop #1

Yippie!! My first workshop!! For this first workshop. I teach handmade stamps, some of my students cancelled on the last minute but it's okay. It's still fun.
Paperon Workshop


I have a young student, only 4,5 years old! I didn't give her carving tools, knife and eraser. Instead I gave her styrofoam from take out box and a pencil, so she could still make her own stamp.

[caption id="attachment_727" align="aligncenter" width="690"]20130512_150535-1 testing the participants stamp
PS. that's me behind her, made a head start on lunch hahaha hungry teacher[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]20130512_160041 scribbling the styrofoam[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_724" align="aligncenter" width="488"]2013-05-12 16.48 the print on T-shirt with her scribble stamp[/caption]

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The place that I held the workshop is a coffee shop, Sellie Coffee located in Prawirotaman II Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Selling range of different coffee from all over Nusantara plus the food is great. And they gave me free snacks and drinks for this workshop, LOVE!


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Hope this workshop could gathered monthly, if you happens to be around Yogyakarta dont forget to check us out.
